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Monthly Premium Mentorship
40$Every monthMonthly Magazine, private Q&A zoom, 15% off website + MORE Quarterly Premium Mentorship
95$Every 3 monthsMonthly Magazine, private Q&A zoom, 15% off website + MOREAnnual Premium Mentorship
380$Every yearMonthly Magazine, private Q&A zoom, 15% off website + MORE
Premium Mentorship Plan is set to auto-renewal after purchase.
Please acknowledge that this membership is associated with the email and password entered at checkout, and will be used to access your account , and charges will occur on a recurring basis until cancelled.
In subscribing to the Premium Mentorship Group please understand that your participation is voluntary and free to withdraw, suspend, and unsubscribe at any time, without giving a reason and without refund of any cost paid. You are welcome to return as you choose.
premium mentorship faq
Q: Who can join the Premium Mentorship Program?
A: All believers of Jesus Christ are welcome to join the Premium Mentorship Program.Q:What do I get with a Premium Mentorship membership?
Q:What do I get with a Premium Mentorship membership?
A: Every member receives access to live private teachings and Zoom links for all free lives, except paid classes such as Minister’s Training or Proverbs 31 Woman.
Q: How often does the mentorship group meet?
A: There is one scheduled meeting a month and spontaneous Telegram video chats with the Prophetess. Keep your notifications on so you don’t miss what God is saying.
Q: What happens if I cannot make it to the mentorship meetings?
A: All zoom meetings are recorded, and you can gain access by reaching out and asking for it, if it is not already recorded on YouTube.
Q: I just signed up for the Premium Mentorship Program. How do I get on the Telegram group?
A: Upon enrollment, an email was sent to you with information about the mentorship and includes a link to join the Telegram group.
Q:It’s been days and I didn’t get the confirmation email with the Telegram group link. How will I get access?
A:Send us a message in the website chat or at your own expense, call us on WhatsApp at 805-624-7120 during business hours 9am - 5pm PST. We will make sure you get access to the Premium Mentorship Telegram.
Q: I clicked the link to join the private Telegram group, but I wasn’t able to join. Why is that happening?
A: In order to join the private Telegram group, you must have the Telegram application downloaded and set up before attempting to gain access with the link sent to you in the confirmation email.
Q: I joined a telegram group. How do I get access to Zoom?
A: All meetings and private teachings are announced in the group chat, along with the methods to join.
Q: How can I access the private Telegram group if I can’t use my phone to get on?
A: You can access Telegram on a computer or another device and access/email the links to yourself.
Q: How do I change my payment method?
A: You can log in with the email and password used to sign up for the Premium MentorshipGroup. Once logged in, click on “My Subscriptions” (found on the left) then click, “UpdatePayment Method.”
Q: How can I cancel?
A: In subscribing to the premium mentorship group you understand that your participation is voluntary and free to withdraw, suspend, and unsubscribe at any time, without giving a reason and without refund of any cost paid. You are welcome to return should you choose.
log into the website with the email and password used to create and purchase the mentorship plan.
Once logged in, click on “My Subscriptions” (found on the left) then click the “CancelSubscription” link.
Q: I see the group has a promo code. How do I use the promo code?
Steps to use Promo Code:
1. Type it in on the check out page and press enter (it is not case sensitive. Double check the spelling
2. If input correctly, the discount should show up immediately after pressing enter before you check out.
3. Check out.
4. Discount will also reflect on confirmation receipt.
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